About Me
Currently, I am working as a structural engineer at the design firm Fast+Epp in Darmstadt, Germany. I am involved mostly in the design and construction of multistorey schools, kindergardens, and city halls within the Rhein-Main area in Germany. For those interested in my profile, please use the following link to my LinkedIN profile while my Curriculum Vitae can be found in both English here (EN) and German here (DE).
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I recieved in June 2020 a Master of Science (M.Sc) in Structural Engineering and Building Technology from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. Further, I completed my Bachelor's degree with a specialization in structural and transportation engineering. My master's thesis researched how a rational approach can be developed to account for brittle failure mechanisms in timber connections so that sufficient ductility can be achieved. Commonly used design standards such as the Eurocode 5 (EC5), Canadian Standards Association (CSA) O86, or National Design Standard (NDS) do not explicitly account for brittle failure modes of timber connections rather choosing to set implicit rules designed to avoid any connection from experiencing anything close to a brittle failure mechanism. The main approach used to ensure brittle failure mechanisms occur at higher load levels than a ductile failure mode is to include, like in the EC5 standard, a effective number of fastener, \(n_{ef}\), factor combined with minimum fastener spacing requirments to implicitly rule out the possibility of a brittle failure mechanism from occuring. Of course, in practical design there are also safety factors on the "design load" side of the scale. Further information can be found in my master's thesis which can be found on my website here.
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about any of the ideas presented within this website. I may be reached at mailto:jchkoch@gmail.com.